
Select your registration type:

  • Team to register a team
  • Individual to register an individual participant (not part of a team)
  • Team Affiliate to register an individual who has practiced with a team and been designated a team affiliate (not part of a team). A team MUST be associated with each Team Affiliate registration enter the associated team name below. Limit of 3 Team Affiliate registrations per school (4 or more = register an additional team). The Team Affiliate registration provides an opportunity for affiliates to participate on competition day in the Fact Drill and Individual Rounds and compete for awards.

Enter student names if known. If you do not yet know student name(s), leave this blank for now. To enter student names later, follow these instructions. The deadline to enter student names is April 4, 2025. This deadline provides time for all student names to be entered into the competition scoring program.

To register more than one team, individual and/or team affiliate, enter the required information for the first registration and select "Add New Registrant" at the bottom of the page. Scroll up to add an additional team/individual/team affiliate.

Fee includes:

  • T-shirt for each registered student (up to 5 shirts per team and 1 per individual or team affiliate registration). All t-shirts are adult size small and adult size medium, approximately half of each size.
  • 2024 competition test and answers to be used as practice materials. These will be emailed to coach at the coach email specified below within five business days of receipt of payment from [email protected].

Payment can be made by credit card or by check. Select your desired payment method in the payment section below. Note credit card payments will include an additional processing fee (automatically calculated and added to the total amount due). 

If you choose to pay by check, note practice materials will not be emailed to the coach until payment has been received.

  • Covers up to 5 students participating on one team. Price goes up to $145 after 2/21/25.

  • Registration for a single student NOT part of a team. Price goes up to $60 after 2/21/25.

  • Registration for a single student who has practiced with a team and has been designated a team affiliate (not part of a team). A team MUST be associated with each Team Affiliate registration enter the associated team name below. Limit of 3 Team Affiliate registrations per school (4 or more = register an additional team). Team Affiliates participate in the Fact Drill and Individual Rounds on competition day. Price goes up to $45 after 2/21/25.

Photo Permission: By registering for Math Masters, I give permission for Math Masters to take photographs or videos of student participants at Math Masters competitions. I agree that Math Masters may use photos or videos in promotional materials, to include email, postal mail, social media, and the Math Masters website.

Team name is required to complete a Team Affiliate or Team registration. Team name should be no more than 20 characters and entered in this format: Grade School Color/Number/Mascot (examples: 4th Roosevelt Raccoons or 4th Roosevelt Red). This will help differentiate teams in the scoring program.

Please share your school and/or district social media handles so we can tag you in competition photos


Additional Items for Purchase

  • Three-Year Set: 6th Grade Competition & Selection Tests

    Three-Year Set: 6th Grade Competition & Selection Tests

    Three year set of 6th grade competition and selection tests with solutions, tips and hints. PDF sent via email.

  • Five-Year Set: 6th Grade Tests

    Five-Year Set: 6th Grade Tests

    Five year set of 6th grade competition tests and answers OR selection tests and answers. PDF sent via email.

  • Three-Year Set: 5th Grade Competition & Selection Tests

    Three-Year Set: 5th Grade Competition & Selection Tests

    Three year set of 5th grade competition and selection tests with solutions, tips and hints. PDF sent via email.

  • Five-Year Set: 5th Grade Tests

    Five-Year Set: 5th Grade Tests

    Five year set of 5th grade competition tests and answers OR selection tests and answers. PDF sent via email.

  • Three-Year Set:  4th Grade Competition & Selection Tests

    Three-Year Set: 4th Grade Competition & Selection Tests

    Three year (2022 - 2024) set of 4th grade competition and selection tests with solutions, tips and hints. PDF sent via email.

    $40.00 ea.

  • 2001-2007 Competition Tests (combination of 5th and 6th grades)

    2001-2007 Competition Tests (combination of 5th and 6th grades)

    Seven year set of 5th and 6th grade competition tests and answers. PDF sent via email.

    $25.00 ea.

  • Extra T-Shirt

    Extra T-Shirt

    Select size and color below. 6th grade = blue with white logo, 5th grade = red with white logo, 4th grade = yellow with blue logo. All shirts feature the Math Masters logo.



  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software